Cold Heart

It’s Valentine’s day and on social media there’s a lot of buzz about single people who’ve had their hearts broken and have decided not to love again. I’d like to share one of my stories with you – The worst breakup I experienced – Dude met someone else and called off the relationship. I was…

A New Chapter

Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

You don’t know how it feels.

Sometimes we think God doesn’t understand. We think He doesn’t know how it feels to stay up throughout the night, unable to sleep. Or how it feels to be financially unstable and with all the bills, loans and mortgages. Or how it feels to wake up to another day filled with its own troubles.  Or…

Happy New Year

So I’m counting down a few hours to New Year’s Day. At this point, I’ve decided to just thank God. He’s brought me a long way from the 1st of January, 2016 till today. It’s been an adventurous year. It’s been full of ups and downs, it’s also been full of breakthroughs. I’ve seen myself…